Sen. Salazar Praises Warner Announcement on Bringing Troops Home from Iraq by Christmas


Date: Aug. 23, 2007
Location: Denver, CO

Sen. Salazar Praises Warner Announcement on Bringing Troops Home from Iraq by Christmas

Today, United States Senator Ken Salazar released the following statement praising Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member John Warner's announcement that the President should begin redeploying troops by Christmas.

"Senator Warner's suggestion to the President that we begin bringing our troops home by Christmas is a welcome development and a positive step in bringing a new strategy to the war in Iraq. Senator Warner's recommendation is consistent with the legislation that I, along with thirteen other Senators from both sides of the aisle, have put forward to implement the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group. Our legislation will bring a new strategy to the war in Iraq by changing the mission of our troops from combat to support, begin a major diplomatic offensive in the region, and put additional pressure on the Iraqi government to take responsibility for the future of their country. I look forward to returning in September as we reevaluate our strategy in Iraq."
